Best AI Assistants in 2023 (Apps & Software)

Summary: This article is going to tell you the best AI assistant apps and software that are popular to help you out in handling business and emotions in life merely with your natural voice.

the AI bot in purple with the logo of different AI assistants on the left side

Nowadays, the Artificial Intelligence has become the trend both at work and in life.

To improve your efficiency in your business and upgrade your life experience , you could use the best AI assistants to conduct tasks involving making calls, sending messages, providing the latest news, connecting team members and searching for the infromation and making recommendations or controling the home appliance to light the house and pour water into bathtub for you. In this way, you are able to save time and energy and have more time to relax.

But you may get overwhelmed by that many AI assistants available over the market. To help you out, this blog will help you choose the best AI assistant apps and software. Let’s see what are they!

What is an AI Assistant

It’s a program that could follow voice commands by utilizing natural language processing and conduct the tasks given by users via natural language. Its function is pretty much like that of a human assistant but it’s virtual powered by AI .

And there are many types of AI virtual assistants ranging from ai writing assistant to ai voice assistant, doing quick searches and adding tasks to a calendar, providing information, or checking and controlling the status of smart home devices, including cameras, lights and more. They can do you a favor in conducting human tasks involving text reading, dictation, calling, emailing, meeting reminding, and more.

Typically, AI assistants are programs based on cloud connected with internet. But some are designed to provide virtual assistance. Besides, they are powered by massive data like machine leaning, speech recognition, NLP and more.

The Best AI Assistant apps

There are many AI assistant apps for you to apply the services from AI assistants that could make your work and life more easier. Let’s see what they are!


the interface of Siri

In terms of the best AI assistant app, Siri is no stranger to you. It’s the virtual personal assistant created by Apple. This ai app resorts to natural language user interface and voice queries to conduct multiple functions.

And this best ai app is available on platforms within Apple like iOS, macOS , watchOS, and audioOs ,iPadOS, tvOS,

Key features:

Answer the questions of users and make recommendations for them as an ai voice assistant.

Make phone calls, send text messages and conduct quick search

Location dictation

Internet services connection.


the app interface of the best ai assistant Cortana

One of the best AI assistants is Cortana under the flag of Microsoft. And this ai app is the biggest competitor of Siri. It boasts a large usage base because it’s available on Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, Windows 10, Invoke smart speaker, Microsoft Band, Alexa, Xbox One, Windows Mixed Reality (MR), and Amazon.

And this AI assistant resorts to NLP, the Bing search engine and massive data to make recommendations. This ai app bears a lot of functions. Beside it’s also integrated with Alex. This makes the Amazon Smart devices controlling more convenient.

Key features:

Answer questions of the users and provide reminders involving timeline of tasks.

Recording notes that are important to you.

Calendars management

Google assistant

the app of google assistant with cartoons

One of the greatest AI assistants would definitely be Google assistant. It’s widely known as one of the most advanced AI voice assistants.

And this ai assistant could be available on smartphones, headphones, cars and appliances at home. Now it has a large span of reach with 10000 devices across 1000 bands including iPhones.

Key features

Entry with both voice and text.

Provide services involving voice commands, voice searching, voice-activated device control, handling tasks, search for information online, provide reminders, making appointments, translating in real-time.


the AI assistant of Alexa

Alexa is the best AI virtual assistant under the flag of Amazon. Firstly, it’s used with Amazon Echo Dot smart speakers and Amazon Echo. Then it has expanded its services reach involving voice queries , voice interaction, NLP and more .

Key features:

To do list creation, alarms setting, audiobooks player and podcast streaming.

Information updating involving news, weather, sports, and more.

ELSA Speak

Elsa Speak's app interface

As to another best virtual assistant powered by AI, ELSA Speak is among the list. This ai app is famous for its function of help you to speak English. You could follow the short dialogues and input your voice with this AI assistant. Then you will get the feedback and could change the wrong pronunciation correctly.

This artificial intelligence app is available on Android and iOS.

Key features:

Pronounce shore dialogues and give you instant feedback

Recognize your speech


the Socratic's app interface with its icon

Socratic is the best AI assistant for education, which is designed to help students to handle their homework. Students are able to use the phone camera to take pictures of the information on their books and sent it on Socratic and then this AI assistant would offer them the visual explanations of the concepts involved. It’s available both on Android and iOS.

Key features

Provide explanation for students with their homework

Recognition for text and speech


Fireflies is a great AI assistant for meeting. With this ai app, you don’t have to take notes any more, because it could record meetings instantly for any conference web platforms. And It’s available for you when transcribing live meetings or audio files you upload.

This ai app would help you work without interruption by adding comments and helping you to collaborate with your teammates and marking the highlighting parts.

Key features:

Instant calls recording and transcribing

Capture calls and meetings over browsers within chrome extension

Processing audio calls by providing dialers, Zapier, or the API

Data Bot

databot's voice interface

DataBot is one of the best AI virtual assistants that has a large reach base. This ai app is available on Android, iPad, Windows 10 and more.

This ai app resorts to various reaches involving Google searches, Wikipedia, RSS channels, and more and handling the most important matters with its own voice. Besides, it’s flexible in adjusting its assistant on the basis your preference of language and voice.

Key features

Applying its own voice to answer questions

Muti-language based

Images and multimedia offering


Hound is one of the best AI voice assistants available both on Android and IOS. This ai app could render you the services of searching information as you command with your natural voice.

And this assistant app is based on the technology of Speech-to-meaning and Deep Meaning Understanding. And its user base is at large from big names like Mercedes-Benz to Honda.

Key features:

Make phone calls, send text messages, offer updated news and weather

Search for recommendations

Navigation and Uber calling


Youper is one of the best AI assistants that could help you with emotional health. This AI app is available both on iOS and Android.

It would give you instant communication feedback to improve your emotional health status. And it also offers the tracking service of user’s mood. Accordingly, the ai app would adjust its tune in communicating with the users to help them feel better.

Key features:

Give instant feedback in communication and change the tone according to users’ mood to improve users’ mental health

Personalized meditations

The Best AI Assistant Software

Besides the AI assistant apps, there are a lot of AI assistant software available for you, too.


Kore.AI with cartoon people

Kore. AI is the best AI assistant software for business. This ai software would help interact the customer and the employee automatically.

Key features:

Apply tools in unified platform to design, test, train, deploy, analyze and control Intelligent virtual assistants

Over 35 voice and more than 100 language available for you to contact with customers

Resort to NLP to track user’s intention to make recommendations accordingly


the data of Conversica

Conversica is the AI assistant for conversation. It takes the lead in providing conversational AI. This software helps companies to attract and improve revenue from customers.

Key features:

Two-way dialogue in real-time to upgrade productivity and performance

Apply natural language processing, capabilities of deep learning and business process automation to improve the productivity of working team


the note book on the left side with the caharcters on the right side

Hyro is the AI virtual assistant for adaptive communication that make the engagement with customers more smart and easier.

Key features:

Apply plug & play and natural language processing to help enterprises to manage process and messaging on platforms like call centers, website chat solutions, SMS and more.

It’s based on the conversation technology that is easy to deploy.


the interface of moveworks

This is an AI virtual assistant that surfaces the information and automating tasks with natural language. And the conversational interface is offered on platforms like Microsoft, Workday and Salesforce

Key features:

Study the unique language of organization to handle cases of users with the power of GPT-class machine learning models.

Use the leverage from brands like Databricks, Broadcom, DocuSign, and Palo Alto Networks to automate conversation in business.

Leena AI

the interface of Leena AI with a woman in yellow and characters on the right

This is one of the best ai assistant software for conversation in business. It provides the automatic services in answering the queries from employee and managing their requests, streamlining HR operations.

Key features:

Integrate with the HRIS and other internal systems to offer HR helpdesk on one interface.

Offer instant information about the employee queries, resolution time, and handling of employee tickets.

A helper to solve repeated problems in business


The best AI assistant really helps a lot in improving your productivity in business and make your life more easier. Merely making you commands with natural voice, you could get the job done in a fast way without the fussy manual operation. Wait for no more, just have a try with them.