Quote Maker: Create Meaningful Quote Posters Online

Share your meaningful thoughts or words with quote posters!

With Fotor online quote maker, you can create stunning quote graphics in minutes and post your inspirational words on social media in a fun and creative way. No design skills are required, try it out!

Quote posters
Posters with quotes

Create Quote Designs with Aesthetic Quote Templates

Effortlessly create captivating quote designs online with Fotor's diverse range of aesthetic quote templates. Whether you desire a fresh, cute, cool, or trendy look, our user-friendly quote creator will guide you to the perfect fit. Simply select a template, add meaningful words, and within minutes, you'll have a stunning visual quotation design. Inspire others with eye-catching quote designs using Fotor's quote maker today!

Create a Quote Design
Design a card

Ease to Customize Your Brilliant Quote Poster

It is easy to create and customize your quote design with Fotor quote maker, no need to worry about typography. Stunning quotes can be made in minutes with our free online quote templates. All elements in the quote poster template are editable and customizable. You can easily customize your poster style with pre-made quote poster layouts and various types of creative images, fancy fonts, stickers, and more. Put your creativity to design and make your amazing poster today!

Create a Quote Design
Upload a quote poster on instagram

Post Your Inspirational Quote on Social Media

Making creative quote posters with Fotor quote maker is the perfect way to motivate and move your audience. You can easily make positive quotes for Instagram, Facebook... Whether it's moving or motivational words, just pair them with aesthetic images to create a unique inspirational quote design, and share the quote design on your social media platforms, which will inspire and resonate with people.

Create a Quote Design
A poster with a quote in jpgpngpdf format

Export Your Quote in Different Formats with High Quality

Exporting and sharing your inspirational quote design with the world is an easy task. Fotor quote maker supports exporting and sharing your quote in JPG, PNG, and PDF formats with high quality. Once you are satisfied with your design, you can immediately share it on your social platforms by clicking the "Share" button on the top of the canvas. Create your beautiful quote image and share it now!

Create a Quote Design

How to Make a Quote with Fotor's Quote Maker Online?

  • Click the button "Create a Quote Design" to get started.
  • Choose a template you like from the quote template center on the left side of the canvas. You can search template by type or size to choose.
  • Custom the template by replacing images and text, changing the arrangement of text and colors, etc. You can also add other elements such as stickers and frames to your design to make it stand out.
  • When you are satisfied with your quote design, just click the Download button on the top right corner of the canvas to save your work in JPG, PNG, PDF format with high quality.
Create a Quote Design

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