Party Invitation Maker

Use party invitation maker of Fotor to make stunning party invitations in a snap. Choose from our free party invitation templates to kick off the party celebration.

Four party invitation templates of fotor party invitation maker
Customize a pink party invitation templates of fotor party invitation maker

Customize Your Party Invitations Couldn’t be Easier

After selecting a template, it's time to add a personal touch to your party invitation. Our party invitation maker offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes customization a breeze.

From changing the color scheme to adding images, texts, and icons, you have full control over the design elements. You can upload your own photos to create truly unique and memorable invitations. Moreover, the platform offers a wide selection of fonts and typography options in our font generator, enabling you to find the perfect style that complements your party theme.

Create Party Invitations
Other kinds of party invitation templates of fotor party invitation maker

Create the Perfect Party Invitations for Any Occasion

With Fotor’s extensive range of online party invitation templates, our party invitation maker caters to all types of occasions. From birthdays to graduation, from weddings to retirement parties and so much more.

Whether you're hosting a formal corporate event or throwing a fun-filled birthday party, you can adapt the invitations to match the tone and atmosphere of your event accurately. Have a try!

Create Party Invitations
Download a party invitation and share to social media

Download & Share Printable Invitations in Minutes

Once you've finalized your party invitation design, invitation maker of Fotor provides seamless options to download and share your invitations. You can easily generate high-resolution PNG, JPG, PDF or image files, making it convenient to print physical copies if desired.

Additionally, we also offer instant sharing options through email and social media platforms. It saves you time and effort, as you can send out digital party invitations to all your guests within minutes.

Create Party Invitations
Make a party invitation with fotor party invitation maker

How to Design a Stunning Party Invitation?

  • Select a Party Invitation Template. Browse through our extensive collection of free invitation templates and choose one that resonates with your event theme.
  • Personalize Your Design. Customize the template by adding your event details, such as date, time, location, and RSVP information. Upload photos or graphics to create a personalized touch.
  • Play with Colors & Typography. Experiment with various color combinations and fonts to find the perfect match that reflects your party's vibe.
  • Download and Share. Once you're satisfied with your design, download the high-quality party invitation and share it via email or social media platforms.
Create Party Invitations

Party Invitation Design FAQs